Finally, after much consideration I have decided to add a blog to my site. Although I will comment on a wide variety of subjects the blog will mainly be used to discuss web design topics. As time permits I plan to post some interesting articles and tutorials geared to those interested in website management and development. I will also be using this blog to post (announce) web design specials that we are having at Carolina Custom Designs. We actually have an interesting special we are about to announce so please register for the blog so you will be among the first to be aware of all specials and discounts.
The blog is built using WordPress. I trust the layout will be easy for you to navigate around in. Currently the blog only has two additional pages – e.g. About and Contact Us. However, I will most likely be expanding the blog with additional pages. This has been my first real experience with WordPress and I must say that I have been thorougly impressed with what it can do. I still have much to learn about WordPress so it is highly possible that my blog will elvolve as I become more familiar with WordPress. For this blog I used a basic template and made custom changes to both the graphics and the layout. I used the exact same color scheme as my website so that the transition between the two would be easy on the eyes.
If you are looking for a website designer that is committed to customer service please visit my homepage by clicking on the link in the right hand column. There you will find much more information about me and Carolina Custom Designs.
Don’t forget to register in order to take advantage of our upcoming special discounts!
Marty Shue