New Developer Welcomed

Carolina Custom Designs would like to welcome Jacob Mullins to our team of designers/developers. Jacob is a very accomplished developer with extensive experience in developing with Prestashop. We are very happy to have Jacob as part of Carolina Custom Designs. Marty Shue President CCD

Prestashop Certified

I am very happy to announce that Carolina Custom Designs (CCD) has partnered with Prestashop eCommerce solutions and is a Gold Certified agency. I was able to spend 6 great days in Miami, FL training with the Prestashop team and as a result CCD is the first Gold Certified partner (Read More…)

Local Business SEO

I want to share something in this blog post that could change your business. If you are not actively promoting your business in local search results you are missing one of the greatest opportunities your business has. The following graphic provided by MDG Advertising demonstrates clearly why you should be (Read More…)

HTML5 and CSS3

Wow! It has been a long time since I made a blog entry. Frankly, I have been so busy with new clients, web design and SEO projects that I haven’t had time to construct a good blog post. Since I just returned from vacation today this will be short, sweet (Read More…)


Looking for some FREE SEO? Well, look no further! I just posted a sweet deal on my Facebook page for some FREE SEO. This is a $300 value! Hurry because I am only giving away 2 Business SEO packages to qualified clients!! Marty Shue